Protecting Your Health, Wealth, and Lifestyle
Final Expense Life Insurance
Burial Insurance
The national median cost of a funeral with viewing and burial in 2021 was $7,848. If a vault is included, which
is typically required, the median cost was $9,420. *
1. The reason you purchase Final Expense coverage is not for yourself, it’s to help take the FINANCIAL BURDEN off your loved ones during a very stressful time.
2.The benefits go to your beneficiary INCOME TAX FREE!
3.Your benficiaries can use any funeral home you or they select.
4.The death benefit proceeds come directly to your beneficiary, or may be assigned by your beneficiary to the funeral home.
5. Nursing homes, hospitals, and other creditors cannot access your beneficiary's benefits.
6. YOU can decide and communicate how you want your final arrangements handled.
7. This policy will help give you and your loved ones peace of mind!
8. The longer you wait, the more it costs!